Abstract submission

Instructions for abstract submission:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: August 30, 2009.
  • Maximum length is two pages, figures and references are allowed.
  • Download and use one of the official template files, limb2009template.tex (LaTeX) or limb2009template.doc (Word).
  • Convert your ready abstract into pdf. An example of how a ready abstract file should look like is limb2009template.pdf
  • Abstract files should be named as SX-LastnameOfFirstAuthor-Y-Z.pdf, where X is replaced by the number of session (see below), Y is replaced by the initials of the first author, and Z is replaced by a running number 1, 2, 3, etc. in case the same first author submits multiple abstracts.
  • Send your ready and appropriately named abstract as pdf to limb2009@fmi.fi with an email subject "LIMB2009 abstract submission/Lastname". The body of the e-mail should contain following information:
    • First author
    • Title
    • Session
    • Type (oral/poster)
  • If you need help, contact limb2009@fmi.fi.

Choose one of these sessions:

  1. Instruments and missions
  2. Retrieval algorithms and assimilation
  3. Radiative transfer and spectroscopy
  4. Stratosphere
  5. Mesosphere and above
  6. UTLS and troposphere